Elementary Session Four ~ Entrepreneurship Quest -2020

Welcome to Session Four, the annual Entrepreneurship Quest!

For the (elementary) Entrepreneurship quest, the Eagles are split into nine "companies," and are in beginning stages of creating profitable businesses. Together they will assign roles (CEO, Lawyer, Accountant, VP of Marketing, Finance, etc.), conduct market research, study ethics, marketing, and advertising tactics. They will create their brand, a solid business plan, and strong budgets to make their business a success.

But, just like in the real world,  they must first look within themselves to discover their gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses they have to offer. They will use these discoveries to bring their best selves to a group of others, in hopes of discovering new strengths and gifts to offer the world.

Once a company forms, business ideas will emerge in the form of a subscription box product, filled with their hand-picked and curated ideas. The culmination of this Quest will be that of a "trade show" where guests will watch as our young Entrepreneurs present their ideas!

Additionally, they will watch in real-time as a chosen public company ebbs and flows through a stock exchange simulation. As we watch the market together each day, we will be able to collect the data about what it takes to make it in the real world; our favorite thing to explore at Acton Academy West!

As always this annual quest helps promote business ideas and inspiration leading into the spring Business Fair in March!

Happy New Year!
Ashley & Kelsey, ES Guides