MS/HS Session Seven ~ Lip Dub & Animation

Hello Acton West Middle & High School Families, 

This session, your Eagles will be working on putting together animations. They will be bringing their scripts from the last session to life by either using 2D computer animation software or stop motion animation (their choice). In the process, they will be using:

  • Storyboarding - To refine their stories and make sure they have a clear vision before devoting time into making their animation frame-by-frame.

  • Voice Overs - To actually use the script they made from the previous session. 

  • Music - To add a layer of feeling to the animation. 

  • Disney/Pixar Animation Process - To see a world-class example of how animations come together. 

Writers Workshop this session will be based on Reflection. They will be using reflection in the following areas:

  • Projects (Post mortem)

    • What they should:

      • Stop doing

      • Keep doing

      • Start doing 

      • Shout-Outs For Excellent Work

  • Personal Weekly Reflection - Focus on how they are spending their time and efforts and how they will improve for the next week. 

  • Personal Work Reflection - A look at their work over the year to see if they have been improving. 

At the end of the session, they will take these reflections and write a letter to themselves that will be sent to them all before the start of next year so they will be reminded of their lessons learned.

Acton Academy West

MS/HS Guides - Joey & Jake