Elementary Session Seven Animation Quest - 2024

This session, the ES Eagles are exploring Stop Motion films! This last session of the year is the perfect time for them to dive deep into the many different aspects of creating a stop motion film. 

Their first challenge is to create a lyric video for a song. They assign roles for their film crew, learn how to use the materials available to them, practice working together, and try out different stop motion techniques. 

Next, they begin work on their major project! They will develop a professional film pitch deck designed to appeal to producers. Through this design process, they will determine the genre and aesthetic of their film. Next, they will create a storyboard outlining their film. This storyboard will serve as a scene-by-scene guide when they begin filming. 

They will design and build their own characters, background, and set pieces. The studio is stocked with traditional claymation supplies -- clay, pipe cleaners, cardboard -- but the Eagles are also encouraged to experiment and develop their own unique style using all the materials available to them. 

They will film their project, create Foley sound effects, and record voiceovers and dialogue. Finally, they will edit their piece into a cohesive short film that will be on display at the exhibition. 

This quest challenges the Eagles to dive deep into the wide variety of both artistic and technical skills required for a stop motion film. It also encourages them to collaborate and learn from each other. They have spent this year making the studio their own -- now they’re ready to soar!

Elementary Guides - Ms. Maya & Ms. Cat