High School Session Five & Six ~ Biology Quest 2021

This is going to be a very unique next two sessions for the High School. They are going to combine sessions 5 & 6 into one Biology quest. By doing this, the Eagles will be able to alternate every other week between theory and experiments. The Eagles will do this so that the theoretical Biology, learned in the first week, is backed up by an experiment or two in the following week. The Eagles will be using the Modern States Biology Review Course and other resources to learn the basics of Biology (Cells, Plants, Reproductive Systems, Heredity, Evolution & Taxonomy).

The Eagles will also be doing experiments using pipettes, microscopes, and dissection tools. At the end of Session 6, the High School Eagles have the option to take a CLEP (College Level Examination Program) test. The Eagles will also present their experiments, and writers workshops at the end of session six.

HS Guides Joey & Jake