Elementary Session Six ~ Entomology Quest 2021

Welcome to session 6!

In this quest, the Elementary Eagles become entomologists. They take on the title of “scientist” as they explore life in the undergrowth, the critical relationships between insects and humans, the harsh truths and beauty of life cycles, and the complex classification of life. As entomologists, they take on the responsibilities of raising insects and observing with intentionality and diligence, like a scientist. Exploring in this way ignites a curiosity and appreciation for the natural world and creates a safe and open place to discuss and face real fears. Each group will be raising habitats of living things here in the studio, and we expect many previous opinions of bugs, crawling and slimy things to change over the next 5 weeks! Eagles will also have the opportunity to learn from experts; we are working to schedule a live virtual field trip or guest speaker.

Ashely & Kelsey - Elementary Guides